Fish Life Cycle

This week was a bit wacky so we did not do much. So i’m just going to do the life cycle of the fish and explain it in steps a little.  their is six stages in this cycle so, the first stage of a fishes journey is a typical way how a fish starts,  a fish starts, as an egg clumped with other eggs. The eggs are fertilized from a male and female fish.  after that the eggs will hatch if it is at a right tempeture.  Their is also then the embryo stage. The embryo comes from the mother and it goes directly in to the blood.  The embryonic stage is found on the inside of the egg and out side. once the egg is hatched first the head will come out folowed by the tail. Once the hatched larvae will then emerg. larva stage has two steps pre-larvae and post-larvae. pre-larvae is when the yoke is still atached to the body and fish rely on the yoke. Zooplankton are among the usual dietery requierment for the post-larvae stage. then the juvenile will take place it now looks like a miniature adult although the color might look different than the Adult stage. Adault hood will begin when the reproduction is fully functional. It will begin with the maturing of gonad end when no longer  could reproduce. At this stage of its life its spine can take different colors of shades. The adulthood is the longest phase it can go for many years. The final stage is the senescence when it reproduces. The fish is at a very old spot it starts to slow down and then it stays alive for only few hours and it then will die. Well thats all of the stages that was tiering well thats all i got.

1 Thought.

  1. Micheal this is a amazing blog. I did not know that the larva had a post larva stage and a prelarva stage sorry this is so short

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