roller coasters

we have started adventuring out into the world of physics.  For physics we are doing roller coasters.  Which has a bunch of physics involved with it.  in physics there is different types of energy.  Potential and kinetic  energy.  Potential energy is energy due to position.  Kinetic energy is energy due to motion.  For making the roller coasters we, my group had to find the spots of the roller coster the had these types of energy.  The material we made this out of was was tubing, tape, and long wood sticks.  The class was broken into many groups.  My group was Gus, Jack, Eddie, and me, Michael.  Then we were assigned to start constructing the ideas/model on paper, and roller coaster.  My group first watched a video on the contras of poteanchle energy and kinetic energy, to learn about the basics of physics before we started making our product.  We are now in this present time have finished our roller coaster.  It was fun but there was hard and tough problems we had to push through and persevere as the same we have to do in life, in the bumps on the road ahead of us but we have to persevere through them and become stronger.  Making this was fun and now we have some research to do.-“see y’all next time!”

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